MJF Law specializes and offers services in the following criminal matters:

–        Murder / Attempted Murder / Assault
–        Narcotics (Drug Possession & Trafficking)
–        Fraud / Cheating / Forgery
–        Banking Crimes & Frauds
–        Criminal Breach of Trust
–        Embezzlement
–        Criminal Intimidation
–        Custom Matters
–        Sexual Offences
–        Property Disputes (Land Grabbing & illegal transfer of title)
–        Domestic Violence & Physical Abuse.
–        Medical Negligence
–        Kidnapping/Abduction & Ransom

White Collar Crime

–        Corporate Crimes
–        Financial Crimes.
–        Money laundering
–        Accountability Offences
–        Anti Corruption laws
–        Cyber Crime
–        Telecommunication Offences
–        Counterfeiting
–        Copy right infringement

Murder/ Attempted Murder/ Assault

Offences against the person are mostly committed in a variety of situations for which consequences could be serious. Punishment prescribed by the Pakistan Penal Code for breach of such laws is usually on the higher side. Both prosecuting and defending such charges may be quite difficult and requiring technical experience and insight. We undertake both prosecution and defence work and have a substantial experience of advocacy before various judicial fora of Pakistan.

Narcotics/ Drug Possession

Possession of Narcotics substances entail serious consequences including capital sentence depending on the quantity recovered. Most narcotics cases are now being prosecuted under the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 (CNSA).  Our Firm has gained a great deal of recognition in securing bails and, eventually acquittals in some famous narcotics and drugs cases of the country, receiving media attention at both national and international level. We offer full representation for our clients (mostly foreign nationals) charges with drug related offences. Our services include representation at bail hearings, trials and appeals before the Sessions Court, High Court and Supreme Court.

Fraud, Forgery, Cheating

Forgery is the process of making or adapting documents with the intention to deceive. It is a form of fraud and is often a key technique in the execution of identity theft. Questioned document examination is a scientific process for investigating many aspects of various documents and is often used examine the provenance and verity of a suspected forgery. Section 420, 468 and 471 of the Pakistan Penal Code deal exclusively with these offences and are the most common offences committed in Pakistan. We have built a strong working relationship with forensic and hand writing experts in order to provide efficient and effective representation for our clients.

Criminal Breach of Trust

Whilst drafting the legislation, the legislators did not lose sight of situations where trust, faith and confidence is abused to a level that the matter should go to the courts of law. Section 406 of the Pakistan Penal Code exclusively deals with transactions where one party is aggrieved of the other for a variety of reasons with the most common allegation of dishonesty, cheating and embezzlement of funds.

Medical Negligence:

Holding medical practitioners responsible for clinical negligence requires expertise and insight in the field of medicine and the technical terminology used. Gross negligence is not out of reach of criminal law; all such transactions are now accountable and can be taken to task by our expert criminal lawyer.

Kidnapping/ Abduction/ Ransom:

Kidnapping, Abduction and Ransom were originally included as offences under the Pakistan Penal Code, however, witnessing a rapid increase in the commission of these offences, the Anti Terrorism Act 1997, assumed special jurisdiction to try these offences in the Anti Terrorism Courts. Our experience includes providing clients charged with these offences with an effective and fruitful representation, both at the trial and appellate stage. Usually, such matters involve money transactions, an essential constituent of the offence, which plays an extremely crucial role in establishing criminal liability.

White Collar Crime:

White Collar crimes are usually committed in business transactions and involve complex and intricate issues. Given the sophistication of commercial dealings, it is difficult to both prosecute and defend such transactions. In the recent past we have provided successful representation to business people, entrepreneurs, professionals and public officials relating to white collar crimes. Our expertise includes handling some of the most high profile white collar offences giving us the understanding of complex financial information and transactional processes. We have ample resources to manage document intensive business cases, as well as access to a network of financial experts and investigators to maximize your chances of prevailing.

Financial Crimes

Insider trading of financial crime perpetrated by individuals with the essential inside knowledge is now treated as a crime. Usually, the bank or financial institution is the victim, not the perpetrator, of the criminal conduct. These traditional crimes are distinguished form the new breed of federal criminal statutes that now prohibit and punish the financial institution for allowing itself to be used as the middleman to effectuate or camouflage the criminal conduct of others. Unlike the traditional banking crimes, these new crimes focus on the bank (or other financial institution) as the perpetrator, not the victim of the criminal conduct. The offences are punishable under the Foreign Exchange Repatriation Regulation 1972.

Cyber Crime

Increase in technology and use of computers in both personal and business sector has increased remarkably. Law in constantly developing in this region due to drastic increase in the level of prosecutions. Allegations are not only extremely technical but also difficult to prove. Offences relating to cyber crime now fall within the domain of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA). We offer our specialization to the full range of cyber crime offences, including, electronic media offences, cyber crime information, credit card fraud, funds transfer, computer sabotage, hacking etc.

Banking offences

Our chamber regularly advises banks and other financial institutions, focusing mainly on banking and financial crimes. We have ample experience of litigation in the following areas:

  • Breach of the terms of an instrument or document whereby possession of any asset or property offered as security for the re-payment of finance.
  • Fraudulent misrepresentation made to a financial institution.
  • Dishonest alienation of mortgaged property.
  • Offences under the jurisdiction of Special Court (Banking Offences)

 Property, Land, Real Estate Offences

In the past ten years, Pakistan has witnessed a major boom in the property sector. In particular, the huge investments made by foreign nationals in the property sector due to the growing need for housing and high rises has caused a mushrooming effect that has rippled through out Pakistan. The recent surge, growth and investments made over the last few years in the property market has also brought with it illegal elements that through illegal means have tried to take advantage of the property boom. The following are the illegal means against which we protect our clients and provide a legal, yet practical, solution to the problems they might be facing with regards to their property.
Illegal Possession

  • Illegal Dispossession is a new addition to the laws of property and has come about through the illegal Dispossession Act of 2005.
  • Land grabbing
  • Transfer of title through forged documents (Forgery)

Immigration and Human Trafficking Offences

Offences relating to Immigration and Human Trafficking now fall under the jurisdiction of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA Act, 1974). We have successfully contested a number of high profile matters in the Special Court Central, securing bails and subsequently acquittals for our clients charged under the Immigration Ordinance, Prevention & Control Human Trafficking Ordinance 2002 and the Passport Act, 1974 .

Criminal Litigation

In a short span of time, our Chamber has won the trust and confidence of our clients facing criminal litigation. Our strength is our exposure and insight into the criminal justice system, enabling us to guide our clients at every stage of the case. We pursue the matter soon after the initiation of criminal investigation at the police station to advocacy and representation in the court taking the matter to its logical conclusion and desired results.

  • Initiation of Criminal Proceedings
  • Private Criminal Complaints
  • Harassment Petitions
  • Harassment Petitions
  • Bail Matters
  • Trials
  • Appeals
  • Criminal Investigation
  • Private Investigation
  • Miscellaneous Matters