How Family Law Protects Women’s Rights in Pakistan

In a society steeped in tradition and patriarchy, the protection of women’s rights is paramount. Family law in Pakistan, influenced by Islamic principles and statutory provisions, provides several safeguards to protect and promote women’s rights.

The Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961, is a significant legislative instrument. It brought several reforms, such as requiring a husband to seek permission from his existing wife or an arbitration council before taking a second wife. Moreover, it gave women the right to seek divorce on various grounds, including cruelty and desertion.

Moreover, Pakistani law provides women the right to ‘Haq Mehr’ (dower) in marriage, a mandatory payment from the husband, symbolizing financial security. This amount is due to the wife and remains her exclusive property.

The law also guarantees women’s rights in matters of child custody and maintenance. Generally, the mother has a preferential right to custody of young children, and she’s entitled to receive maintenance for herself and her children post-divorce.

Despite these provisions, women often face challenges in exercising their legal rights due to societal norms and lack of awareness. Hence, the role of experienced legal counsel becomes crucial.

Advocate Faisal Iqbal Awan, at MJF Law, is committed to upholding women’s rights under Pakistani family law. His knowledge and expertise can help women navigate the complexities of the legal system and ensure their rights are protected and enforced. For further advice or representation, you can contact Advocate Faisal Iqbal Awan at MJF Law is a staunch ally in the fight for women’s rights.

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